Living the Japanese Arts and Ways: 45 Paths to Meditation and Beauty

Living the Japanese Arts and Ways: 45 Paths to Meditation and Beauty

by H. E. Davey Sensei
Stone Bridge Press ISBN 1-880656-71-X 244 pages $18.95

Ikebana and tea, karate and calligraphy -- all traditional Japanese arts and ways share certain ideals and practices to achieve the same goal: greater serenity, concentration, and mind/body harmony. With practical examples and easy-to-follow exercises, this book concisely introduces 45 living concepts of the Way, from "wabi" and the "immovable mind" to "respect" and "duty," explaining their traditional Japanese roots and also how to incorporate them into our daily lives and personal value systems. An excellent primer to Eastern art, philosophy, and spiritual practice.

How to Order
Living the Japanese Arts & Ways is now out of print, but the entire book is included in The Japanese Way of the Artist (Stone Bridge Press), which also contains Brush Meditation and The Japanese Way of the Flower. Get three popular books by H. E. Davey for the price of one. Order The Japanese Way of the Artist from and discover the secrets of Japan's ancient arts, crafts, and forms of meditation.