Code of Ethics

The following Code of Conduct is for all members of the Shudokan Martial Arts Association (SMAA). Members of this organization are expected to conduct themselves in accordance with this code. Furthermore, application for and acceptance of membership in the SMAA constitutes and/or implies consent to follow this code of conduct.

  1. No member of SMAA will behave unethically, nor will such unethical behavior go unchallenged within the SMAA.
  2. No associate member shall expressly claim or imply that they are a regular member.
  3. No member, associate or regular, shall expressly claim or imply the awarding of rank from the SMAA which has not been properly and genuinely granted by the SMAA headquarters.
  4. No member, associate or regular, shall expressly claim or imply the awarding of official instructor certification from SMAA which has not been properly and genuinely granted by the SMAA headquarters.
  5. No member of SMAA will conduct themselves in a manner unbecoming to the ideals of the organization or in any way which would discredit the SMAA.
  6. Honor is central to the ideals of SMAA. It is founded on the tenets of duty, respect, integrity, and courage. Duty means fulfilling one's obligations; respect is treating people as you would like to be treated; integrity is knowing the difference between right and wrong and doing what is legally and morally right; courage is willingness to face fear, danger, and adversity.

The reputation, honor, and future of the SMAA depend on the conduct of our members. It is expected that all members will become faithful supporters of the ideals and traditions of this organization, wherever they go and whatever they do.