Arts of Strength, Arts of Serenity

Arts of Strength, Arts of Serenity

by Nicklaus Suino Sensei
Weatherhill ISBN 0-8348-0300-3 136 pages $10.95

Arts of Strength, Arts of Serenity was published by Weatherhill in 1996. It is useful for anyone who has ever wondered whether practicing a martial art has a place in his or her life. In it, the author demonstrates how martial arts practice can nurture the mind and soul as well as strengthen the body. The benefits of appropriate martial arts practice are immediately apparent and, once you have elected to get involved, the author will help you select a practice suitable for you from the many available and guide you in getting started. He will tell you where to get further information, what to look for in a teacher and in a school, and outline the qualities you will be expected to cultivate if you wish to succeed. Above all, he will show you how these arts of strength can work as arts of serenity, contributing to the health and harmony of the mind, body, and spirit.

How to Order
To order copies of Arts of Strength, Arts of Serenity by mail, send your request to:

Carolyn Servos
c/o Weatherhill, Inc.
568 Broadway, Suite 705
New York, NY 10012 USA

or call (212) 966-3080.

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