Karate-do Division
Karate-do is a martial art developed in Okinawa from indigenous fighting methods and Chinese martial systems. It is primarily a striking art using punching, kicking, as well as knee and elbow strikes. Grappling, joint locking, throws, and chokes are also taught in some styles (ryu). Karate-do means “the way of the empty hand,” although its original meaning was “Chinese hand.” Traditional karate-do contains elements of physical, mental, and spiritual training.
It was introduced to Japan by Funakoshi Gichin Sensei (1868-1957), where it developed sport aspects. Today, karate-do is practiced in nearly every nation, and a large number of Okinawan and Japanese versions have been developed.
The SMAA Karate-do Division is open to any form of classical karate-do, which has a linage that can be traced to a Japanese founder. This division is lead by Karl Scott Sensei (SMAA So-shihan and seventh dan). Scott Sensei has a lifetime of experience in Shorin Ryu and Shudokan karate-do. He trained in Okinawa under Shimabukuro Eizo Sensei (Shorin Ryu tenth dan), and in the USA under Ichikawa Isao Sensei (Doshinkan tenth dan) and Walter Todd Sensei (Wado Ryu, Shotokan, and Shudokan). Among the notable members of the SMAA Karate-do Division are Tom Kosslow Sensei, a seventh dan in Wado Ryu, Joseph Rippy Sensei (Wado Ryu sixth dan), Herbert Wong Sensei (Shorin Ryu eighth dan), Suzuki Kunio Sensei (Wado Ryu), and Hunter Armstrong Sensei of the Goju Ryu.